Malstrom – Berliner Bilder (1985) / I Grandi Manoveri (1986) / The Third Dimension (1987) / Die Endlichkeit der Freiheit (1991) / Protest, Rebellion, Subversion (1997) / The F.C. Flick Collection (2004) / Barroco (2007) / Berlin – Arm aber sexy (2007) / Bilder einer Ausstellung - China und die Aufklärung (2011) / Art and Adventure – Inhotim (2013) / 14 Rooms (2014) / Take Me (I'm Yours) (2016) / Biennal Sao Paolo (2017) / Fosse (2020)
Georg Baselitz (1987) / Georg Baselitz (2004) / Georg Baselitz (2017) / Me, Georg Baselitz (2019) / The Possible Lives of Christian Boltanski (2009) / Tony Brown’s Machine Dreams (1994) / Daniel Buren im Grand Palais (2012) / Simon Denny in Hongkong (2016) / Gloria Friedmann – Frau von Welt (2003) / Jochen Gerz – Your.Art. (1998) / Rebecca Horn – An Erotic Concert (1993) / Joan Jonas – Transformations (2016) / The Utopian City of Emilia and Ilya Kabakov (2014) / Die Welt des Anish Kapoor (2011) / Alex Katz – What about style? (2002) / Jürgen Klauke – Freischwinger (2001) / Jeff Koons – An American Destiny (1990) / Jannis Kounellis – Fragmente eines Tagebuchs (1996) / Kounellis in Mexico (2000) / Bertrand Lavier – Cinq pièces faciles (1998) / Annette Messager – Plaisirs/Déplaisirs (2001) / Annette Messager – Pudique/Publique (2010) / Bruce Nauman – Make Me Think (1997) / Philippe Parreno – Time in Space (2015) / Julian Rosefeldt – American Night (2009) / Tino Sehgal in Paris (2017) / Adrian Vilar Rojas in Istanbul (2016)