Die Welt des Anish Kapoor (2011)
Anish Kapoor, born 1954 in India, but living for many years in London, winner of the renowned Turner prize in 1991, is a sort of modern magician: He catches clouds through huge mirrors, creates sculptures out of color pigments, makes us dizzy with his installations. Kapoor plays with the space he gets offered, bestowing a form of void on them difficult to describe - a Nothing. His objects, yet, may reach the size of a family house. Heinz Peter Schwerfel leads the public to retrospectives in Bilbao, Mumbai and Delhi, or into the twists of Chicago’s Cloud Gate, and speaks with the artist in his studio about art, the void, psycho-analysis and the necessity of failing fast.
The end of the film is marked by images of his breathtaking sculpture Leviathan exposed at the Paris Grand Palais.
HD, 52'